Saturday, May 2, 2015

That Bad Doctor

OMG, so I had the most horrible doctors appointment this week. My cardiologist (4 hours away) referred me to a cardiologist much nearer to me so I could get a tilt table test to definitively diagnose POTS. His staff was amazing, but as soon as he walked in, "Why do you travel to see a cardiologist when you can see me?" Then he asks me "What do you know about POTS?" & I told him that it means your heart rate goes up & for me, blood pressure goes down upon standing. He tells me I'm wrong, then asks if I have frequent panic attacks. When I said no, he asked "well why do you have fainting episodes?" I'm just sitting there like WHY DO YOU THINK IM HERE?! But then he starts questioning everything I said as if I was lying, & distorted what I was explaining about my symptoms. He also was rude to my grandmom, so I had enough & walked out. I was beyond upset. I had to actually take a break before going back to school because I couldn't calm down. I am still angry. But, when I told my amazing cardiologist about what happened, he apologized & said he was going to call the head of cardiology there immediately. He then set me up at his hospital to have ALL my tests done at once! I absolutely adore him! 
Also, I'm still battling a chest cold & playing it doesn't turn into pneumonia or bronchitis cause AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FO DAT. haha. I hope everyone reading this had a wonderful day, & if you have ANY questions, just ask by clicking that "add comment" button!☺️


1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain! It is so frustrating when we waste our energy, breath and time for 5 minutes. I am thankful that we do come in contact with the "good "ones every now and then!
